Be aware of the situation first when you arrive at the scene.
Make an introduction to your name and workplace, and briefly describe your role and purpose of visit.
Explain that you are working within the official system.
Obtain survivor’s consent first and have a conversation.
Move to a quiet place for confidentiality.
Establish the contact by providing practical assistance like food, water and blankets.
The first contact should be made when the survivor can comfortably accommodate the relief worker.
Be patient in a calm manner and actively respond to the survivors and be sensitive to their needs.
Find out how survivors behaved to protect themselves and recognize them as strengths.
Provide the necessary information according to the age, and if you are communicating through a interpreter, look at and talk to the survivor, not at interpreter.
Do not address traumatic experiences or mourning reactions.
Look at urgent problems and deal with medical issues that require immediate treatment.