When you witness or experience disasters, most people experience traumatic stress such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, and so on. These are considered a normal reaction to a traumatic event, so you do not have to be depressed or afraid of feeling different from before. You can usually recover within 1 to 6 months and get daily routines. If symptoms persist, seek mental health professional’s help.


  • You can be surprised by the vibrations in your life and the cracked buildings.
  • Heart palpitation or physical pains without reason may occur by disaster-related stress.
  • You have no desire to do anything.
  • You have a difficulty of falling asleep or have nightmares because of terrifying memories.
  • You are anxious or depressed that you will be hit by an earthquake again.
  • You are distressed by negative thought or imagination.


  • Others died or were hurt, but you feel guilty for surviving.
  • The memories of the evacuation come to mind, making you unable to sleep.
  • You may be afraid of fire and may not be able to get close to it.
  • If you have a burn, the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder is increased when the pain or scar is severe.
  • It is distressing with loss and negative thoughts or imagination from economic losses.


  • Heart palpitation or physical pains without reason may occur by disaster-related stress.
  • Distress due to economic loss and negative thoughts or imagination.
  • When it rains, you feel overly anxious that you will experience the flood again.
  • When weather forecasts related to rain or floods come out, you are startled and become nervous.
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