Responses by Age
Complain of physical symptoms
School refusal
Academic problems at school
Regressive behaviors
Outbursts of anger
Aggressive behaviors
Frequent nightmares or other sleep disorders
Isolation or withdrawal
Loss of interest
Feeling of guilt
Suicide attempt
Drastic change in relationships
How to Cope
Complain of physical symptoms
Suicide attempt
Sleep disorder
Extreme anxiety, tension, and anger
Feeling of shame about emotions after disaster
Feeling of guilt
Fears of recurrence of the disaster
Change in values
Alcohol/substance abuse, gambling, and addiction
Change in interpersonal relationships or attitude
How to Cope
Older Adults
Complain of physical symptoms (hand trembling, heart palpitation, indigestions, increased blood pressure, etc.)
Hypochondria, depression, anxiety, problems with memory, helplessness, and lack of motivation
Trying to stay in place without evacuating
Negative thoughts on restoration and recovery
No complain of pain not to bother others
How to Cope